Directed by Peter Marsden and animated by Daniel Swan, we have the visuals for Rustie and Danny Brown’s collaborative “Attak”. Featuring an energetic Danny Brown performing the track over an almost minimalistic trap beat, coupled with animated on screen lyrics, this effort will for sure take precedence in clubs and on the big festival stage this fall.
A press release for the album states that it “was written and recorded at 4am to the sound of birdsong in a remote location in his native Scotland, influenced by nature, birds and sunrise”. Speaking about the album title, Rustie – real name Russell Whyte – has commented: “It’s a language that’s non-dualistic, that speaks to you directly to your emotions without the mind interfering with the message, and music is like that for me.”
Expect to see this record on Rustie’s forthcoming second Warp Records release entitled “Green Language”, available on August 25th.